Monday, September 9, 2013

Agriculture in Nepal

Nepal is agricultural country. About 74% people of Nepal are depending upon agriculture for their livelihood. But arable land in our country is very limited because about 75% of land of Nepal is covered by hills and mountain. Most of the lands in these region are rocky and infertile. The fertile lands are mostly located in terai region of Nepal. Production of food crops, cash crops, horticulture, horticulture, animal husbandry, etc comes under the agriculture. Agriculture us very important in context of Nepal. Agriculture is the main sources of livelihood for the majority of the Nepalese people. Most of the national income of the country comes from agriculture itself. Most of raw materials comes from agriculture. Hence agriculture is very important in context of Nepal.
Paddy, wheat and wheat are the important food crops in Nepal. The crops are divided into two as cash crops and food crop. Both of these crops are possible to grow in here.
cash crop are especially cultivated to earn money. The are taken to shop and sold for money. Some of the cash crops are sugarcane, Apple, Tea leaves, tobacco, jute etc. crash crops are not available in all region but with a brief  investigation and research they are cultivated in different suitable place.
 Animal husbandry, poultry farming etc are other agricultural habits found in Nepal.
All should be concerned about agriculture. Till the date many farmers are forced to depend upon the monsoon rain. Government should provide the irrigation facilities.agriculture first and foremost priority for Nepal hence agriculture should be looked after with the great intention.

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