Monday, September 9, 2013

Forest of Nepal

Forest is important natural resource of Nepal. It is free gift of nature to the human being. We can get firewood, timber, herbs, etc from the forest. We can make house and furniture from the wood of our forest. we can export the timber and earn foreign currency. Forest is very useful for us. Forest helps to control flood, soil erosion and landslides. it causes rainfall. It provides habitat for wildlife. Forest is important source of raw materials for industry.

Besides this, we get the many advantages from the forest like it provides raw materials for industries like match, paper and furniture. It also provides wood, fuel, timber, fruits and fodder. Helps to maintain ecological balance by providing oxygen to all living beings. It also enhance the natural beauty and attracts the tourist which further enhance the earning of foreign currency.
Forest is useful economically and ecologically. Therefore, forest resources must be conserved. The ways to conserve the forest are many ways.

Forest must not be destroyed for establishment of house and industries. Deforestation should be stopped and alternative fuel should be introduced. over grazing must be stopped. setting fire in the forest should be controlled. community awareness should be introduced and all other facilities should be banned from the forest.

Nepal can achieve much more by focusing on preservation of the forest resources. Canada is the most  develop now due to the proper utilization of the forest resources. Forest is essential to all human beings. Even animal also directly or indirectly depends upon the forest.
To sum up forest is essential to all and the saying " hariyo baan nepal ko dhaan" should be our slogan from today onward.

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